Avant Homes

Avant Homes –

how is your website


As one of the UK’s biggest housebuilders, you’ll no doubt understand the importance of providing a good digital experience in order to engage the next generation of homebuyers. In our recent review of how the UK’s top 40 housebuilders are using digital, Avant Homes were ranked 24th.

Key stats

Organic rankings

There seems to have been a significant drop-off in organic rankings and estimated organic traffic around October/November 2023. It appears this aligns with a change in the structure of the website. It’s worth investigating further where rankings and traffic have been lost.

Mobile experience

The browsing experience for your site on mobile is sub-optimal. This could be causing issues and missed opportunities considering over 80% of your traffic comes from mobile.

Website engagement

Avant Homes’ bounce rate is the highest versus four of your closest competitors. The number of pages per visit is also second lowest.

Let’s discuss further

I’d love to get into more detail with you about how Avant Homes could improve their digital experience. Just click the button to book a 30 min call with me and we can chat.