Harrington Homes –

how is your website


Providing a good digital experience is vital in engaging with the next generation of buyers and selling more off-plan. In our recent review of how the UK’s biggest housebuilders were using digital, we highlighted several key areas where they were underperforming. This could be an opportunity for housebuilders like Harrington to capitalise and overtake them when it comes to digital.

Key stats

Website performance

The overall performance of your website is OK, but there is room for improvement. Areas where you could improve include first contentful paint (1.8s vs recommended 0.9s) and the speed index (3.7s vs recommended 1.3s or less).

Organic rankings

There seems to have been a steady drop-off in organic rankings and estimated organic traffic since around May 2023. It’s would be worth investigating further where rankings and traffic have been lost and possible underlying causes.


There are a number of issues with accessibility on the site which could be improved to provide a better experience for all users. Particular areas for improvement include very low contrast between text and background colours and missing alt text.

Let’s discuss further

I’d love to get into more detail with you about how Harrington Homes could improve their digital experience. Just click the button to book a 30 min call with me and we can chat.