06 Feb 2024
2 min read

Supporting the next generation of creatives



Managing Director

Over the last decade as we’ve built Adaptable, we’ve often reflected on our journey from students to running a successful agency. We turned 10 last year, and as part of that milestone, we chatted to the alumni team at Birmingham City University about the lessons we’ve learned, challenges we’ve faced, and how what we learned at university laid the foundation for where we are now.

Continuing on from this, it was a pleasure recently to be asked back to BCU to speak to their Graphic Communication 3rd years as part of their employability sessions. I spoke to them about the various opportunities and obstacles we’ve faced over our 10 years in business, the options available to them in the industry and how to make themselves stand out, whether they’re looking to work as freelancers, set up their own venture or seek a permanent role.

My number one piece of advice? As a designer, make sure your work is visible and easily accessible online! It sounds obvious, but we receive so many applications where we have to follow up and ask for a link to portfolios, or we find applicants haven’t got one set up at all. Remembering these simple things and making life easy for the employer, or client, will at least get you past the first hurdle.

As the owner and managing director of a digital product studio, I’m passionate about making sure the next generation of creatives and design professionals can find the best opportunities and the best roles for them. Overall I was really impressed and encouraged to see so many engaged students there who came up and asked questions after the talk. It felt great to give back and to see the confidence and the talent coming through the next generation.

We’re currently considering more ways that we can help support efforts at BCU and beyond with ensuring that students and graduates can get the opportunities they deserve and make the most of them. Watch this space!