Story Homes –

how is your website


As one of the UK’s biggest housebuilders, you’ll no doubt understand the importance of providing a good digital experience in order to engage the next generation of homebuyers. In our recent review of how the UK’s top 40 housebuilders are using digital, Story Homes were ranked 3rd. 

(There are still a couple of things you could tighten up though).

Key stats

Website performance

The overall performance of the Story Homes website is quite poor. Areas where you fall short are total blocking time (523ms vs recommended 150ms or less) and largest contentful paint (3.2s vs recommended 1.2s).

Mobile experience

The browsing experience for your site on mobile is sub-optimal. This could be causing issues and missed opportunities considering around 88% of your traffic comes from mobile.


There are a number of issues with accessibility on the site which could be improved to provide a better experience for all users. Particular areas of concern include missing alt text and low contrast between text and background colours.

Let’s discuss further

I’d love to get into more detail with you about how Story Homes could improve their digital experience. Just click the button to book a 30 min call with me and we can chat.