Child sexual abuse is a challenging topic – many people struggle to talk about it and may avoid doing so altogether. To achieve their core aim of reducing the impact of this abuse, The CSA Centre needed to support greater engagement with the issue by making their message accessible, open and friendly. As part of their brand development, they’d ensured everything from tone of voice and language to imagery was pitched perfectly. We needed to undertake a similar level of careful consideration during the design process to bring this identity to life.
CSA Centre
Creating a new hub for vital research & resources

CSA Centre
3 months
Established in 2017, the Centre of expertise on child sexual abuse (CSA Centre) exists to support professionals working with children to improve prevention and response to child sexual abuse by empowering professionals working with children with the knowledge and skills to address concerns with confidence.
WordPress CMS
Complex site search
User journey
Striking the right tone

Improving the user journey
Many of the professionals who access the CSA Centre website need quick and easy access to information and resources in situations that may be delicate and also urgent. We put careful thought into how users would find and navigate content on the site. The search function was a vital part of this, and we spent time during the development process refining the functionality so that users could seamlessly find exactly the content they needed. Once the user has landed on the information they need, they can easily discover related content, stay engaged and expand their learning.

Making content management sustainable
As a relatively young organisation, the CSA Centre had quickly built up content in the 6 years since launching and had massively outgrown their previous website and CMS. The digital design system and flexible bank of components we created, powered by our Enterprise WordPress system, have given the CSA Centre the tools they need to be more creative and responsive with their content. They can achieve this while maintaining a consistent approach to their brand and positioning themselves as an approachable but authoritative organisation.

Better awareness and visibility
The new CSA Centre website has given them the tools and capabilities to build and track awareness of their organisation and the vital work they do. Along with the ability to create more engaging content, they can track how visitors use their search function to gather invaluable insight into how people find and interact with their content. This insight can inform our continued work into refining the functionality as well as guiding their content strategies and priorities.

“The design and development process was a bit daunting for us at first – but I can’t fault Adaptable for delivering on time, and they were highly responsive and supportive throughout. We’ve had fantastic feedback on the website from stakeholders across the board, and it’s fantastic to be able to get on now and use the website to its full potential.”